acacia blossoms

acacia blossoms

Saturday, December 31, 2011

telling tails

There is a new monkey on the roof.  He came in through the front door. He picked up the last remaining apple on the sideboard and moved into the lounge.  I heard a noise. I was home alone. It was a tiny noise, like a button falling. Monkeys can be quiet like this. I went to investigate and there he was perched on the sofa eating an apple.  All the doors and windows were closed. I was afraid he would panic and try to jump through a window or something equally dramatic. When this has happened before the culprit often bounces of walls and bookshelves before diving for the closed window.  But this is a new guy. He has house cred. He looked at me and continued with the apple.

I opened the door to the stoep and got serious about asking him to leave.  He moved under the table and slowed down a bit, waiting to see if that was far enough. It wasnt.  Then he was out. Maybe he spent Christmas at a nearby lodge.

Christmas ah, how was yours?

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Mozambicans on the Move : Christmas 2011

We are back from the sparkling seas of Mozambique.  Border hassles and potholes notwithstanding, the magic of coastal mozambique soon soothed the senses.  The vibrancy of sunlight and colour bounced around us to delight the senses even when the summer heat was beating down.

You just have to love it there.  There are state of the art vessels and vehicles on land and sea, but here are some more interesting modes of transport that capture the imagination.

Dhow fisherman on Bengui island pulling in the catch of the day.

sail power beats steam anyday on the coral seas

walking home with a couple of beers under the arm

wedding procession in Maxixe

hang on - nearly there

chinese umbrella

three up in sunday best

standing room only

going visiting

barrow man Chokwe market

Thursday, December 8, 2011

running on empty

I am sure you all thought that Monkeys have been sleeping On the Roof all this time?  Well let me assure you it has been a busy few weeks. What with summer arriving with all its promised abundance, and the festive season fast approaching.
The business of life has had to be really demanding to make sure it gets more than its fair share of attention.

But the list is slowly being ticked. Some spaces are incredibly stubborn and just refuse to be ticked, and others require lots of effort, but slowly slowly catch-a-monkey as they say in these parts. A most unfortunate turn of phrase for us on the Roof!

Right now, the winds are in from the Indian Ocean and tomorrow we will hoist our spotted hankerchiefs on their sticks, and start the trek coastward.  Logistics have been demanding this time, but it will all be worth it when that silken sea wraps itself around our ankles and the coral sand squeaks underfoot.

Here the impala have all dropped their young. The lambs are so light on their feet its like they hardly touch the ground. The herd moves protectively with them like a troop of ballet dancers - all taught muscle and energy.  The mopane trees have made the transition to summer green, and happily provide a dense curtain for vulnerable youngsters to retreat into.

The air is full of bird song - kingfishers, cuckoos, black headed orioles - sounds of summer. At night there are bugs around the light - preying mantis hang ready to pounce praying for a meal; clumsy dung beetles mistake the light for the moon and come droning in, crashing into walls and ceilings. Moths grace the scene with their spectacular presence.  And speaking of presents - I am just not ready for christmas yet. Slow down year!