acacia blossoms

acacia blossoms

Thursday, December 8, 2011

running on empty

I am sure you all thought that Monkeys have been sleeping On the Roof all this time?  Well let me assure you it has been a busy few weeks. What with summer arriving with all its promised abundance, and the festive season fast approaching.
The business of life has had to be really demanding to make sure it gets more than its fair share of attention.

But the list is slowly being ticked. Some spaces are incredibly stubborn and just refuse to be ticked, and others require lots of effort, but slowly slowly catch-a-monkey as they say in these parts. A most unfortunate turn of phrase for us on the Roof!

Right now, the winds are in from the Indian Ocean and tomorrow we will hoist our spotted hankerchiefs on their sticks, and start the trek coastward.  Logistics have been demanding this time, but it will all be worth it when that silken sea wraps itself around our ankles and the coral sand squeaks underfoot.

Here the impala have all dropped their young. The lambs are so light on their feet its like they hardly touch the ground. The herd moves protectively with them like a troop of ballet dancers - all taught muscle and energy.  The mopane trees have made the transition to summer green, and happily provide a dense curtain for vulnerable youngsters to retreat into.

The air is full of bird song - kingfishers, cuckoos, black headed orioles - sounds of summer. At night there are bugs around the light - preying mantis hang ready to pounce praying for a meal; clumsy dung beetles mistake the light for the moon and come droning in, crashing into walls and ceilings. Moths grace the scene with their spectacular presence.  And speaking of presents - I am just not ready for christmas yet. Slow down year!


The Solitary Walker said...

I look out my window this morning and it's grey, wet and windy. Leafless trees in the freezing cold. Your blog takes me into a different world!

e said...

It was a chilly 41 degrees when I awoke several hours ago...Hard to believe summer exists on your part of the planet...I do hope you get to slow down a bit and enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

I love your sounds of summer!!
The vision of silken sea wrapping itself around ankles. . . sigh
Have a relaxing time - enjoy

Diane said...

You are making me jealous, I can just imaging the African summer arriving , meanwhile we are heading for winter. So far the weather has been mild but I suspect this could be the lull before the storm :(
Christmas, what is that, I have had no time to give it any thought at all!! Diane

Angela said...

In Hamburg there are Christmas Markets and music in the churches, and people pressing around in the shopping malls. You have cold feet and drink a glögg and eat hot maronis but still freeze - and then you tell us of young impala and mopane trees and coral sand at the Ocean... What a difference! I love every word you say, Val, it is always a treat to come here!
Have fun at Moz and especially at our little village school!

Charl said...

Always a beautiful time in the bush when new life pops up everywhere. Enjoy it and enjoy your siesta by the ocean. Best wishes.

Reya Mellicker said...

Celebrating Christmas during the height of summer is very hard to imagine. I wonder if there's a tendency towards more revelry than we engage in here in the cold season. Yes?

Pooch Purple Reign said...

i agree.... slow down year` !!!
really nice post. i wish it was summer here :)

~Laura x

Amanda Summer said...

so enjoying your visual images of kingfishers and cuckoos ~ quite different from this gray midwestern weather of ours!

hoping you are soon ready for christmas, dear val - sending you and yours wishes for all the best in the new year♡

with love,



Vagabonde said...

I was in the West Indies when you wrote this post – if not I would have been jealous of your weather. It is cooler here now in Georgia but still in the 60s so we can’t complain.