We have been travelling and static, busy and idle, social and solitary, content, conflicted and then contemplative, and lo the time passes. There is a whisper of winter in the air although we have had some late summer showers. The tadpoles in the waterholes have all become little active frogs and somehow manage to find their way into our house at night. I spend a good hour every evening trying to catch them and put them out side, feeling a little like the Flintstones ejecting that dinosaur to no avail.
But my motivation is snakes. They follow the trails of the happy little frogs, and I am not mad about snakes in the house - especially at night.
So yesterday there was a mozambique spitting cobra in the kitchen. We didnt have time to catch it as we had to go out, but we left all the doors open and hoped it would find its own way. When we got back, there it was on the stoep. It had obviously zapped a red toad who was lying there with one leg sticking out. The snake moved away when i came outside but soon came back to claim its kill.
There is something grotesquely fascinating about watching a snake swallow a prey item that is way way bigger than its own head. So i thought i would share a few pictures with you. Not all the pictures are sharp - sorry - but I hope you can see enough to get the story. The cobra is about 1 meter long.
(Not for the squeamish)
approaching the problem
the snakes body is very active at this point, and the tip of his tail keeps seeking for cracks and crevices in the wall behind
however sideways was never going to work
manouvering around to a more manageable position
head first and the swallowing begins; the snakes body is more calm now
down the hatch all the way to the pelvic region
the last view of the toes before the licking of lips commences
bon appetit!